viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Christmas hangover

Hi Classmates!
One of my favorites family meals that I remember was a Christmas celebration (I think that was 2008's Christmas). Dinner was organizated by mi aunt by law Lola (a very crazy spanish woman) at my uncle's home. There were my parents (Sergio and Roxana), my brother Álvaro, my uncle Atilio (but we call him Poncho), my aunt Lola and my cousin Francisco.. I don't remember why my sister Camila wasn't there.
As a family, we enjoy a lot Christmas eve. Everybody have to help, it doesn't matter what do you do, nobody can be sit at the couch until the first bottle of wine or champagne is open. Obviously with the drinks comes the food (or is it the other way?).
Food and drinks were passing by all night, before opnening the presents and after, but in this particularly year I think that drinks were priority.
As the hours were passing by, the chating were louder and louder, the laughs were more repetitive and my little cousin thought that was the right time for videotape how our parents were getting drunk.
My aunt were sending kisses to the camera while my mother, with a non-understandable pronunciation, was discussing with my uncle because he wanted to vote for Sebastián Piñera. More than her horrible pronunciation, what made us laugh to death were her words: your father must be twisting in his grave now!!!After that, my dad was feeling sick.. 'Til today he says that was the roasted peppers he ate, not the half bottle of Orujo that he drank.
For me is a good memory. My brother, cousin and me saw how relaxed were our parents. How happy of not been worried about us because we were adults. They enjoyed that night as young people and I think that it is a lovely gift.
I can't show the videos.. sorry! It's a family treasure.

1 comentario:

  1. jaja think that is " with the food come the drink", that good memory is great familily fun with unrestricted.
