viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Eat Your Heart Out

Hello classmates!
Some of you may not know but I'm a Food Engineer student, so, in this opportunity I would like to write of a shocking book about food industry that I've been reading: Eat Your Heart Out ("Quién decide lo que comemos"), by Felicity Lawrence.
Felicity Lawrence is an english journalist who works for the newspaper The Guardian. For twenty years, she have been writing about irregularities in food industry: from misuse of ingredients to labor exploitation.
In Eat Your Heart Out, the author concentrates on three points: h
ow food industry damages our healthy, the environment and the economy.
You may have asking "HOW?".
The major point of this is that food companies play with our ignorance and feelings by using the powerful weapon of marketing.
Today, as you can see when you go to the supermarket, there's a lot of choices of differents kinds of food. You can buy rice cereal, corn cereal, with sugar, with fruit flavor, with our favorite cartoon printed on the box, etc. And that make us feel like we are choosing something.. but are we really choosing?

If you go to the label, the same ingredients are in everything that goes to our mouth (even in pets food). But, how does is affect to us?
Well, the thing is that companies plays their cards convincing us that is healthy for us, even they put a doctor on TV telling us that we must consume that product.

A lot of those products aren't what they say, even the box is more nutritious for us than the food that contains. And not only is bad for us.
Food companies are not interested in our health, they measure their power by money, so they make us a loyal client with all their "cientific" studies (and sometimes morals) persuading us to consume in ridiculous amounts, while they cut costs damaging environment and involving in social and economics politics.
I hope that this little introduction makes you want to read this book, I really think that is an "eye opener".

1 comentario:

  1. Nice post. Maybe you can give us all some advice on our eating habits.
