viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Rescuing an animal

Hello classmates!
Today I'm going to write about a group activity I liked to get toghether.
Everybody knows how bad are things with responsible ownership -on animals- in Chile. You can see in the streets a lot of homeless domestic animals, who not only can be dangerous because of them behaviour, they are transmiting diseases too.
But this is only one look. If you have the opportunity to share a little bit of your time with a homeless pet you will know how much love they are claiming.
About three years ago I joined a volunteer group called RDA Chile. The purpose of them is not only to decrease the number of homeless pets in the streets but educate population to change the way of how they see what is a pet for.
As a volunteer, I used to transport (anytime they needed me) new rescued from a step home to the veterinary, or transport them to a new home. Also, as a daily job, I publish every campaign or information on Facebook to increase the movement.
Unfortunately, today I'm not working in a direct way with animals because months ago I suffer a lost as a step owner and it was very hard for me. So, for now, I'm helping with the bills every month.
Been a RDA volunteer it's a very satisfying way to help homeless pets. You can see how much they were suffering and then you see them in their new homes living a life knowing that part of their joy it's because of you. Sometimes you will suffer, that's a fact, but when you are responsible for changing a life you know that it's a good path to stick to it.

If you are interested in helping homeless pets, join RDA Chile on Facebook!

4 comentarios:

  1. I think that having a pet at home is to deprive the animal of freedom, and that cities have polluted to the nature.

  2. OH! That's amazing!! I would love to join this group. Recently, I was thinking in it. In fact, I have some cat's food I want to give to some organization like that.

  3. Hi!
    Think that is a beautiful activity, and more than that is a way beautiful of make things for the animals. Often the service is forgotten for we. I enter in RDA for know about they
