viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Why I'm studying Food Engineering

Hello Classmates!
Today I'm going to talk about the reasons why I'm studying this subject.
After I finished my first career -gastronomy- I thought that I was too young to keep only that knowledge, so I thought ''why not study something else''.
I didn't know anything about food engineering, until my father showed me the subject's curriculum. When I saw it I imagined all the things that I could do with this new understanding.
I always thought that been a chef you can only attain to a certain group of people (the ones who like your food, the ones who can pay what you cook, etc.), but if you work for the industry you can arrive at every home. That was my first intention.
This year caught me the interest of healthy food, fair trade and ecology. I have been reading books and watching documentaries related with these topics that made me want to apply all this new information to chilean food industry.
I found it a thrilling career because people all over the world eat, and what you can do for health with honest information is amazing. Like Hipocrates said: ''You are what you eat''.
The dark side -there is always one- is that food industry is like a drug cartel. There are too many lies and bad practices related to the industry because money rules and usually makes teachers to not talk about different options. Most of teachers prepare you to go to the traditional industry (like Coca-Cola Company, Nestle, PG&E, etc). So I think that change things will be very difficult but not impossible.
Once I'll finish the engineer I would like to go to Europe to study a food science master, because there is no good politics in food industry here in latin america, and why not create my own mozzarella brand.

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